From Ordinary to Extraordinary

You see, this is a God who takes ordinary, everyday things like flies, and water, and bushes, and conversation and turns them into something extraordinary. That “extraordinary” is what we call “holy.” Holiness is not a matter of an object or a person having some innate, extraordinary worth. Holiness is a matter of God taking an ordinary thing or person and giving them extraordinary worth.  Tom Fuerst

In Tom Fuerst’s sermon this week, he talks about how God took the ordinary and made it extraordinary, imbuing normal things with God-power in the life of Moses.

It is a powerful reminder that it’s not about what we can do, it’s about what God can do, especially in situations that seem hopeless.

I’ve had some hopeless situations this week. One was a court case, unfounded, against my son. Another was an unfounded negative reference from my former employer.

Weird that they happened in the same week.

God walked beside me as I dealt with the negative reference. He turned my despair into peace, guided me through some tricky conversations and sent me some wise advisors.

As for my son’s court case, I knew that my son’s innocence was certain—he had been with good friends the night the alleged incident “happened.” However, to prove it in court was going to be our word against his accuser’s word.

My husband and I prayed. My friends and relatives prayed. The extraordinary started.

Friends sent scripture, prayers, words of love and encouragement.

God sent a lawyer whose thorough research and attention to detail gave us hope.

But God wasn’t finished turning the ordinary into a holy miracle. Because God is the God of people and relationships, and surprises.

As we were walking into the courtroom, a good friend of our lawyer’s happened to be walking out. Because our lawyer is a good and kind person, because he is well loved and respected, because he carries the love of Jesus in his heart and shares it with those around him, this friend stopped him, and questioned him about the case. Then, the friend, who also happened to be an attorney, walked over to the man pressing charges against my son and talked him into dropping them.

An ordinary friendship turned extraordinary in one miraculous moment.

Our God is an awesome God.