Mama’s Oatmeal

This is what I make for Robbie almost every morning before he goes to school!

First, I get a microwave safe bowl out of the cabinet and put about 1/4 to 1/2 cup oatmeal in it.
Second, I dash some salt on top of the oatmeal–a couple of shakes depending on whether or not you like salt!
Third, I pour enough milk in to barely cover the top of the oatmeal.
Fourth, I put it in the microwave for 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
Finally, I take it out and slather it with honey!

My sister taught me this recipe when she was pregnant with Hayley. She poured raisens on top of the honey and fed it to Jenny who was three. Jenny gobbled it down, and I never used water to make oatmeal again. Oatmeal made with water is called gruel. Oatmeal made with milk is called oatmeal. 🙂